Shenandoah Lectures

Event Information:
Event: 28th Annual Shenandoah Lectures
Theme/Title: The Superiority of the Christian System
Recorded: 2/2016
Directed by: Gabriel Rodriguez
Ordering Information:

Contact us to order this complete set on DVD or CD.

List of Recordings from this event:
  1. What is the Foundation for Religious Thought? by Brandon Maldonado
  2. Is Religion a Necessity? by Steve Hetherington
  3. Does Religion Enslave or Foster Human Well-Being? by Patrick Hammack
  4. Why Are There So Many Differences in Religious Thought? by Dale Foster
  5. What Was Significant About the Call of Abram? by Jordan Blair
  6. Why Was There a Need for True Religion? The Prophecy of Christ and His Kingdom by Kerry Clark
  7. Was the Prophecy of Christ, His Kingdom, and True Religion Fulfilled? by Israel Valdez
  8. What Important Thoughts Did Christ Emphasize About True and False Religious Thought? by Bobby Burris
  9. What Were Christ's Greatest Challenges Agaisnt True Religion? by Michael Light
  10. What Were Christ's Expectations For All His Believers? by Lynn Blair
  11. What Was the Reality of Christ's Expectations for Unity? by Austin Maldonado
  12. Does It Matter What We Believe? by Kenneth Pinckley
  13. What Problems Has Differences in Christian Doctrine Had in Society? by Michael Bonner
  14. Can We Know Truth? by Obed Pineda
  15. Will All Religious People Go To Heaven? by Rick Popejoy
  16. How Does One Know They Have a True Relationship with Christ? by Stephen Hernandez
  17. Why Do Acts of Worship Matter? by Andrew Martinez
  18. Why is Conduct and Character Important to the Christian System? by Obed Rodriguez
  19. Why Is the Christian System Superior to All Others? by Israel Rodriguez