Recordings from: Trent Kennedy
- Rescuing the Lost; 31st Annual Southwest Lectures: Meeting Christ: Called Unto Heaven
- Joel 1:1-2:17; 12th Annual Schertz Lectures: Studies in the Minor Prophets
- Proverbs 23-24; 13th Annual Schertz Lectures: Studies in Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, & Song of Solomon
- "Unto Thee, O Lord"; 2016 Lovelady Lectures: Lessons in Lyrics, Volume 5
- BOYS: Ancient Exiles: Joseph; 2017 Discipleship University: Exiles: Holy Faith in a Hostile World
- ADULTS: The Forgotten: How To Engage The College Crowd; 2017 Discipleship University: Exiles: Holy Faith in a Hostile World
- Equipping the Family to Serve Together; 1st Annual Arise Workshop: Arise and Serve
- Psalms 42-44; 14th Annual Schertz Lectures: Studies in the Psalms, Volume 1
- How Trial Helps Me to Grow; 2nd Annual Arise Workshop: Arise and Grow
- Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace; 25th Annual Lubbock Lectures: Come Unto Me
- The Challenge of Disunity; 6th Annual Southwest Spiritual Growth Workshop: Arise and Overcome