Recordings from: Roy Deaver

  1. God's Financial Plan For The Church; 1982 Denton Lectures: Studies in 1 Corinthians
  2. Deserted Saint Is Not Free From Marriage Bond; 1982 Denton Lectures: Studies in 1 Corinthians
  3. The Letter To The Hebrews - A Survey; 1983 Denton Lectures: Studies in Hebrews
  4. Discussion Forum; 1986 Denton Lectures: Studies in Galatians
  5. A Study Of "Truth"; 1987 Denton Lectures: Studies In I, II, III John
  6. Life Of Joseph And The Providence Of God; 1989 Power Lectures: The Providence of God
  7. The Book Of Malachi - Commentary; 1990 Power Lectures: The Minor Prophets
  8. Nehemiah, A Study In Real Leadership; 1992 Denton Lectures: Studies In Ezra, Nehemiah And Esther
  9. The Kingdom God Promised To David; 1993 Denton Lectures: Studies In I & II Kings, I & II Chronicles
  10. The Judgeship Of Gideon, A "Mighty Man Of Valor"; 1994 Denton Lectures: Studies In Joshua, Judges And Ruth
  11. DIFFICULT PASSAGES: What constitutes "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit" and can people still commit this sin? Matthew 12:31-32; Did Jesus intentionally hide the truth from certain ones? Matthew 13:10-15; Did Jesus forbid us to withdraw from evil people in the church and command us to let him take care of them when he comes in judgment? Matthew 13:24-30; Is "made themselves eunuchs" to be taken literally (self-emasculation) or figuratively (celibacy)? If figuratively, are "born eunuchs" and "made eunuchs by men" also figurative? If not, why not? Matthew 19:12; 1995 Denton Lectures: Studies In Matthew
  12. The Future Blessing Of The Ransomed Exiles; 1995 HCB Lectures: The Book Of Isaiah - Part I