Recordings about: Christ
- The Cleansing Blood of Christ by Avon Malone part of the 1983 Denton Lectures: Studies in Hebrews
- ANSWERING FALSE DOCTRINE: Christ is Merely a Created Being, Not Creator? Revelation 3:14; Only the 144,000 will Live Eternally in Heaven? Revelation 7:4-8; 14:1, 3; There Will Be a Literal Battle of "Har-Magedon" on Earth between the Followers and Enemies of Christ? Revelation 16:14-15, etc.; There Will Be a Renovated Earth upon which the "Earthly Class" of the Saved will Dwell Forever? Revelation 21:1 by Wayne Jackson part of the 1984 Denton Lectures: Studies in the Book of Revelation
- Christ, The Promised Seed by Curtis A. Cates, Sr. part of the 1986 Denton Lectures: Studies in Galatians
- Christ, The Answer For Sin by James Meadows part of the 1987 Denton Lectures: Studies In I, II, III John
- The Virgin Birth Of Christ by Tom L. Bright, Sr. part of the 1995 HCB Lectures: The Book Of Isaiah - Part I
- The Virgin Birth Of Christ by Winfred Clark part of the 1995 Power Lectures: The Major Prophets
- Christ The Light Of The World by Maxie Boren part of the 1995 Power Lectures: The Major Prophets
- Christ The Branch by Billy Bland part of the 1995 Power Lectures: The Major Prophets
- Christ, King And Cornerstone by Paul Sain part of the 1995 Power Lectures: The Major Prophets
- Christ, The Revelation Of God's Glory by Brian Giselbach, K. part of the 1995 Power Lectures: The Major Prophets
- Christ, Chosen Servant Of The Gentiles by Kevin Moore part of the 1995 Power Lectures: The Major Prophets
- Christ, Comforter Of All Who Mourn by Glenn Colley part of the 1995 Power Lectures: The Major Prophets
- Christ, The Bearer Of Our Inquities by Wendell Winkler part of the 1995 Power Lectures: The Major Prophets
- Christ, The Mediator Of The Better Covenant by Winfred Claiborn part of the 1995 Power Lectures: The Major Prophets
- Two Covenants - Two Mediators - Moses And Christ by Gary Colley part of the 1996 Power Lectures: The Two Covenants
- Is Christ End Of Law - Jews Still Elect Nation by Steve Ellis part of the 1996 Power Lectures: The Two Covenants
- Christ, The Remover Of The Jew-Gentile Distinction by Eddie Whitten part of the 16th Annual Denton Lectures: Studies In Ephesians
- Christ, The Power Behind The Spiritual Life by Lester Kamp part of the 16th Annual Denton Lectures: Studies In Ephesians
- Christ, In Whom Is Every Spiritual Blessing by Tim Ayers part of the 16th Annual Denton Lectures: Studies In Ephesians
- Christ, The Head Over All Things by Bob Berard part of the 16th Annual Denton Lectures: Studies In Ephesians
- God's Eternal Purpose Through Christ And The Church by Garland Elkins part of the 16th Annual Denton Lectures: Studies In Ephesians
- Christ, In Whom All Things Are Summed Up by Gene Burgett part of the 16th Annual Denton Lectures: Studies In Ephesians
- Christ, The Channel Of God's Saving Grace by Ted Clarke, J. part of the 16th Annual Denton Lectures: Studies In Ephesians
- What Does The Bible Teach Concerning Christ's Mission? by Billy Bland part of the 1997 HCB Lectures: Premillennialism
- Connecting Christ to Morality and Ethics by Phil Sanders part of the 30th Annual Southwest Bible Lectures: Championing Christ: Called Unto Conviction
- Confessing Christ Today by Russell Haffner part of the 30th Annual Southwest Bible Lectures: Championing Christ: Called Unto Conviction
- The Church's One Foundation by Kerry Clark part of the 2014 Lovelady Lectures: Lessons in Lyrics, Volume 1
- Do All In The Name of the Lord by Steve Hetherington part of the 21st Annual Gulf Coast Lectures: Jesus The Christ
- The Victorious Christ by Shawn Price part of the 21st Annual Gulf Coast Lectures: Jesus The Christ
- The Christ in the Old Testament by Don Walker part of the 21st Annual Gulf Coast Lectures: Jesus The Christ
- Jesus is the Christ and the Son of God by Cody Westbrook part of the 21st Annual Gulf Coast Lectures: Jesus The Christ
- The Controversial Christ by Don Walker part of the 21st Annual Gulf Coast Lectures: Jesus The Christ
- The Christ Took on Flesh by Kerry Clark part of the 21st Annual Gulf Coast Lectures: Jesus The Christ
- The Great High Priest of God's People by Bob Patterson part of the 21st Annual Gulf Coast Lectures: Jesus The Christ
- The Beautiful Teaching of Christ by Jeff Rollo part of the 21st Annual Gulf Coast Lectures: Jesus The Christ
- The Great Miracle Worker by Clay Bond part of the 21st Annual Gulf Coast Lectures: Jesus The Christ
- The Christ in the Gospel of John by Tim Ayers part of the 21st Annual Gulf Coast Lectures: Jesus The Christ
- The Christ in the Life of a Godly Woman by Linda Simmons part of the 21st Annual Gulf Coast Lectures: Jesus The Christ
- The Lamb of God by Shawn Paden part of the 21st Annual Gulf Coast Lectures: Jesus The Christ
- The Christ as the Judge by Jason Rollo part of the 21st Annual Gulf Coast Lectures: Jesus The Christ
- The Christ and Modern Day Religion, Part 1 by Johnny Robertson part of the 21st Annual Gulf Coast Lectures: Jesus The Christ
- The Christ and Modern Day Religion, Part 2 by Johnny Robertson part of the 21st Annual Gulf Coast Lectures: Jesus The Christ
- The Christ Who is Worthy by Don D'Herde part of the 21st Annual Gulf Coast Lectures: Jesus The Christ
- The Christ and His Church by Wesley Wynne part of the 21st Annual Gulf Coast Lectures: Jesus The Christ
- The Lion Out of Judah by Steven Patterson part of the 21st Annual Gulf Coast Lectures: Jesus The Christ
- Redemption From Sin Through Christ's Blood by Bob Berard part of the 1998 Denton Lectures: Studies in the Books of I, II Peter and Jude
- Christ, The Chief Cornerstone And Our Foundation by Robert Dodson part of the 1998 Denton Lectures: Studies in the Books of I, II Peter and Jude
- Having the Mind of Christ by Tom L. Bright, Sr. part of the 1998 Mid-West Lectures: God The Son
- The Pre-Existent Christ by Charles Coats part of the 1998 Mid-West Lectures: God The Son
- The Life of Christ by Randy Watson part of the 1998 Mid-West Lectures: God The Son
- The Compassion of Christ by Ted Thrasher part of the 1998 Mid-West Lectures: God The Son
- Christ in the Book of Revelation by Jack Williams part of the 1998 Mid-West Lectures: God The Son
- On What Day Was Jesus Crucified? by Eugene Jenkins part of the 1998 Mid-West Lectures: God The Son
- Christ's Teaching on the Family by Larry Yarber part of the 1998 Mid-West Lectures: God The Son
- Christ Is God by Robert Taylor, Jr. part of the 1998 Mid-West Lectures: God The Son
- Christ's Teaching on Heaven by Richard Massey part of the 1998 Mid-West Lectures: God The Son
- Jesus As A Teacher by Wayne Brewer part of the 1998 Mid-West Lectures: God The Son
- Christ's Teaching on Judgment by Terry Mabry part of the 1998 Mid-West Lectures: God The Son
- The Mission of Christ by Chuck Northrop part of the 1998 Mid-West Lectures: God The Son
- Christ Our Example by Paul Meacham part of the 1998 Mid-West Lectures: God The Son
- Christ's Teaching on Salvation by Jay Yeager part of the 1998 Mid-West Lectures: God The Son
- The Temptation of Christ by Michael Wyatt part of the 1998 Mid-West Lectures: God The Son
- The 'I Am's' of Christ by Michael Hughes part of the 1998 Mid-West Lectures: God The Son
- Christ Teaching on Unity by Bill Goring part of the 1998 Mid-West Lectures: God The Son
- The Humility of Christ by Richard Massey part of the 1998 Mid-West Lectures: God The Son
- The Trail of Christ by James Meadows part of the 1998 Mid-West Lectures: God The Son
- The Sacrifice of Christ by Toney Smith part of the 1998 Mid-West Lectures: God The Son
- Christ's Teaching on the Church by Perry Cotham part of the 1998 Mid-West Lectures: God The Son
- Christ's Teaching on Hell by Paul Curless part of the 1998 Mid-West Lectures: God The Son
- The Death of Christ by Chuck Northrop part of the 1998 Mid-West Lectures: God The Son
- The Resurrection of Christ by James Meadows part of the 1998 Mid-West Lectures: God The Son
- The Titles of Christ by Glenn Colley part of the 1998 Power Lectures: The Godhead
- The Incarnation of Jesus Christ by Harrell Davidson part of the 1998 Power Lectures: The Godhead
- The Pre-Existence of Jesus Christ by Keith Mosher, Sr. part of the 1998 Power Lectures: The Godhead
- The Deity of Jesus Christ by David Jones part of the 1998 Power Lectures: The Godhead
- The "I Am" Statements of Christ in John by Dub McClish part of the 1999 Denton Lectures: Studies in the Book of John
- The Christ In The Book Of Exodus by Keith Mosher, Sr. part of the 2nd Annual Schertz Lectures: Studies In Exodus
- Christ and the Holy Spirit by Matthew Gibson part of the 23rd Annual Gulf Coast Lectures: The Holy Spirit
- Mornings in the Mountain: Seeing the Glory of Christ by David Jones part of the 2015 Focal Point: Preacher's Workshop
- Mornings in the Mountain: Hearing the Words of Christ by Todd Crayton part of the 2015 Focal Point: Preacher's Workshop
- Mornings in the Mountain: Anticipating the Return of Christ by Sam Willcut part of the 2015 Focal Point: Preacher's Workshop
- Why Was There a Need for True Religion? The Prophecy of Christ and His Kingdom by Kerry Clark part of the 28th Annual Shenandoah Lectures: The Superiority of the Christian System
- Was the Prophecy of Christ, His Kingdom, and True Religion Fulfilled? by Israel Valdez part of the 28th Annual Shenandoah Lectures: The Superiority of the Christian System
- What Important Thoughts Did Christ Emphasize About True and False Religious Thought? by Bobby Burris part of the 28th Annual Shenandoah Lectures: The Superiority of the Christian System
- What Were Christ's Greatest Challenges Agaisnt True Religion? by Michael Light part of the 28th Annual Shenandoah Lectures: The Superiority of the Christian System
- What Were Christ's Expectations For All His Believers? by Lynn Blair part of the 28th Annual Shenandoah Lectures: The Superiority of the Christian System
- What Was the Reality of Christ's Expectations for Unity? by Austin Maldonado part of the 28th Annual Shenandoah Lectures: The Superiority of the Christian System
- How Does One Know They Have a True Relationship with Christ? by Stephen Hernandez part of the 28th Annual Shenandoah Lectures: The Superiority of the Christian System
- If Not For The Cross by Clay Bond part of the 2016 Focal Point: Preacher's Workshop
- Family Matters: Christ, the Christian, and Culture, Part 1 by Tyler Young part of the 2016 Focal Point: Preacher's Workshop
- Family Matters: Christ, the Christian, and Culture, Part 2 by Tyler Young part of the 2016 Focal Point: Preacher's Workshop
- Family Matters: Christ, the Christian, and Culture, Part 3 by Tyler Young part of the 2016 Focal Point: Preacher's Workshop
- Encountering Christ by Wayne Jones part of the Discipleship U 2016: Encountering Christ: Experience the Majesty of Jesus
- Apologetics 101 - The Historical Christ by Dewayne Bryant part of the Discipleship U 2016: Encountering Christ: Experience the Majesty of Jesus
- Christian Practicum 101: Encountering Christ in His Word by Logan Summers part of the Discipleship U 2016: Encountering Christ: Experience the Majesty of Jesus
- Parenting 101 - Family Driven Faith: Encounter Christ in the Home by Clay Bond part of the Discipleship U 2016: Encountering Christ: Experience the Majesty of Jesus
- Youth Ministry 201 - Developing a Christ Centered Youth Ministry by Mark Hammitt part of the Discipleship U 2016: Encountering Christ: Experience the Majesty of Jesus
- Christ is the Better Messenger by Kevin Rhodes part of the 7th Annual Back to the Bible Lectures: 'Better Than'...A Study in the Book of Hebrews
- Christ is the Better Apostle by Michael Light part of the 7th Annual Back to the Bible Lectures: 'Better Than'...A Study in the Book of Hebrews
- Christ is the Better Priest by Michael Bonner part of the 7th Annual Back to the Bible Lectures: 'Better Than'...A Study in the Book of Hebrews
- The Better Sacrifice by Denny Wilson part of the 7th Annual Back to the Bible Lectures: 'Better Than'...A Study in the Book of Hebrews
- The Better Way by Jason Rollo part of the 7th Annual Back to the Bible Lectures: 'Better Than'...A Study in the Book of Hebrews
- The Better Practice of Faith by Jordan Moore part of the 7th Annual Back to the Bible Lectures: 'Better Than'...A Study in the Book of Hebrews
- Christ is the Good Shepherd by Mel Hutzler part of the 8th Annual Back To The Bible Lectures: Do You Know The Christ?
- Christ is the Head of the Church by Carl McCann part of the 8th Annual Back To The Bible Lectures: Do You Know The Christ?
- Christ is our Passover by Tim Burroughs part of the 8th Annual Back To The Bible Lectures: Do You Know The Christ?
- Christ is our Hight Priest by Johnny McCaghren part of the 8th Annual Back To The Bible Lectures: Do You Know The Christ?
- Christ is the Word by Josh Moore part of the 8th Annual Back To The Bible Lectures: Do You Know The Christ?
- Christ is our Example by Bryan Braswell part of the 8th Annual Back To The Bible Lectures: Do You Know The Christ?
- Equipped to Serve in Suffering by BJ Clarke part of the 1st Annual Arise Workshop: Arise and Serve
- Equipped to Serve by Following the Perfect Example by BJ Clarke part of the 1st Annual Arise Workshop: Arise and Serve
- Character of Christ in Prophecy by Nikki Burris part of the 8th Annual Texas Ladies in Christ Retreat: Christ in Prophecy
- Christ is Our Example in Suffering by Royce Williamson part of the 9th Annual Back to the Bible Lectures: Christ is Our Example
- Christ is Our Example in Compassion by David Johnson, . part of the 9th Annual Back to the Bible Lectures: Christ is Our Example
- Christ is Our Example in Condemning Error by Kevin Cauley part of the 9th Annual Back to the Bible Lectures: Christ is Our Example
- Christ is Our Example in Prayer by Ross Haffner part of the 9th Annual Back to the Bible Lectures: Christ is Our Example
- Christ is Our Example in Speech by Frank Briscoe part of the 9th Annual Back to the Bible Lectures: Christ is Our Example
- Christ is Our Example in Sacrifice by Denny Wilson part of the 9th Annual Back to the Bible Lectures: Christ is Our Example
- He Lives! The Historicity and Divinity of Christ by Dick Sztanyo, . part of the 1994 Mid-West Lectures: To Seek and Save the Lost
- Monday Open Forum by Various part of the 25th Annual Lubbock Lectures: Come Unto Me