Lubbock Lectures

Event Information:
Event: 24th Annual Lubbock Lectures
Theme/Title: The Word of God
Recorded: 10/2022
Directed by: Tommy Hicks
Ordering Information:

Contact us to order this complete set on DVD or CD.

List of Recordings from this event:
  1. All Scripture Is Given by Inspiration of God by Greg Weston
  2. The Word of God by Tommy Hicks
  3. Shall Not Return Unto Me Void, But It Shall Accomplish That Which I Please by Ken Ratcliff
  4. The Word of the Lord Endureth for Ever by Jack Stewart
  5. Making the Word of God of None Effect Through Your Tradition by Jamie Beller
  6. The Sword of the Spirit, Which Is the Word of God by H.D. Simmons
  7. The Word of God Is Quick...Powerful...Sharper Than Any Twoedged Sword by Cameron Freeman
  8. Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth by Terry Hill
  9. The Seed Is the Word of God by Richard Oldham
  10. The Scripture Cannot Be Broken by Heath Stapleton
  11. Spoken Unto Us by His Son by Michael Harmon
  12. For What Saith the Scripture? by Tyrone Dubose
  13. They Spake the Word of God With Boldness by Tom Moore
  14. Being Born Again, Not of Corruptible Seed, the Word of God by Tim Hayes
  15. The Word of Reconciliation by Joe Slater
  16. So Then Faith Cometh by Hearing, and Hearing by the Word of God by John Board
  17. Man Shall Not Live by Bread Alone, but by Every Word of God by Michael McDaniel
  18. The Word of God Grew and Multiplied by Seth Michael
  19. The Word of God Be Not Blasphemed by Michael Bonner
  20. Sanctify Them Through Thy Truth: Thy Word Is Truth by Barry Kennedy
  21. We Are Not as Many, Which Corrupt the Word of God by Derrick Coble
  22. If Ye Continue in My Word, Then Are Ye My Disciples Indeed by Clay Bond
  23. The Word of God Is Not Bound by Gantt Carter
  24. Shewing by the Scriptures That Jesus Was Christ by Russ Earl
  25. We Understand That the Worlds Were Framed by the Word of God by Bryan Braswell
  26. Confirming the Word With Signs Following by Andy Brewer
  27. The Word of God Abideth in You, and Ye Have Overcome the Wicked One by Garland Robinson
  28. Preach the Word...Reprove, Rebuke, Exhort by Tommy Brooks
  29. Monday Open Forum by Various
  30. Tuesday Open Forum by Various
  31. Wednesday Open Forum by Various