Notes and Disclaimer: Listed below are all speakers that we have recordings from online; the listing of a speaker does not reflect on our approval of that speaker or their present soundness. We certainly will evaluate and remove as necessary any lesson brought to our attention that does not agree with sound, Biblical teaching. Sadly, we recognize that some of the speakers listed here have strayed from the truth but the lessons they presented are still worthy of study along with your Bible. Also, please note that Tullstar has recorded and preserved these lessons for various congregations, thus any question as to the inclusion of a particular speaker on a lectureship or event should be addressed to the congreation that hosted the event. Finally, regardless of the speaker, we exhort you to study these lessons along with your Bible to prove them to be true (Acts 17:11).

Click a name to see recordings from that speaker.
Speakers with more lessons are larger simply to make them easier to find.

Male Speakers:

Female Speakers: