Denton Lectures

Event Information:
Event: 1993 Denton Lectures
Theme/Title: Studies In I & II Kings, I & II Chronicles
Recorded: 0/1993
Directed by:
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List of Recordings from this event:
  1. I & II Kings, I & II Chronicles - An Introduction by Steve Lloyd
  2. Great Lessons From The Unheralded Prophet, Micaiah by Dub McClish
  3. Early Kings Of Israel And Judah; Elijah Challenges Ahab by Gary Summers
  4. ANSWERING FALSE DOCTRINE: Are The Promises To David Regarding The Throne And Kingdom To Be Given To His Son A Reference To The Reign Of Christ From David's Actual Throne Over An Earthly Political Kingdom, Per Premillennialism I Chronicles 17:11-14?; Does God's Sanction Of Instrumental Music In Worship In The Old Testament Authorize Its Use In The New Testament Church I Chronicles 16:4-6, 42; II Chronicles 7:6; 29:25? by Tim Nichols
  5. DIFFICULT PASSAGES: Why is the account of David's sin concerning Bathsheba and Uriah in II Samuel omitted in I Chronicles, II Samuel 11:1--12:23; I Chronicles 20:2ff? Who provoked David to number Israel, God or Satan II Samuel 24:1; I Chronicles 21:1? Why was all of Israel punished for David's sin I Chronicles 21:7-14? How could Asa be described as "perfect all his days," yet be condemned for his Syrian alliance and for throwing Hanani into prison and oppressing others II Chronicles 15:17; 16:1-10? How can we harmonize the statement that Jehoshaphat "took away the high places and groves" and "the high places were not taken away" II Chronicles 17:6; 20:33? by Lester Kamp
  6. David's Death And Solomon's Enthronement by Jim Moore
  7. Times Of Glory And Shame For David by Tim Nichols
  8. Judah Under Abijam, Asa And Jehoshaphat by James Meadows
  9. DIFFICULT PASSAGES: How can the episode with David and Abishag be explained and/or justified in I Kings 1:1-4? Did Jeroboam or Rehoboam have a choice in what they did in I Kings 11:30-34; 12:12-15? Why did God kill the Judean prophet for believing a lie, but not the old prophet for lying in I Kings 13:1-32? Who was the "lying spirit" who volunteered to deceive Ahab? How is God's use of lies and liars to deceive Ahab reconciled with His perfect moral nature in I Kings 22:19-23? by Jesse Whitlock
  10. The Final Years Of Judah by Marvin Weir
  11. The Reigns Of Sundry Kings, Evil And Good, In Judah by Kenneth Gossett
  12. Solomon Builds And Dedicates The Temple by Bob Berard
  13. DISCUSSION FORUM: Must We Respect The Silence Of Scripture As Well As Its Statement? by Jerry Moffitt
  14. Elisha's Mighty Works Continue, Jehu's Slayings by Gary Colley
  15. The Grandeur Of Solomon's Reign, The Kingdom Divided by Terry Hightower
  16. Times Of Tumult In Israel And Judah by Robert Dodson
  17. DIFFICULT PASSAGES How can God's destruction of children for an apparently childish prank be explained in II Kings 2:23-24? How can we explain or justify the deceptions of Elisha and Jehu in II Kings 6:19; 8:10; 10:19? How did David get by with being displeased with God I Chronicles 13:11)? Why was the ark taken to Jerusalem instead of to the tabernacle in Gibeon in I Chronicles 16:39? by Al Brown
  18. Solomon's Fame, Apostasy, Death, The Kingdom Divided by Tom Wacaster
  19. Elijah's Ascension And Elisha's Early Works by Tim Ayers
  20. DISCUSSION FORUM: Is The Restoration Plea Valid? by Robert Taylor
  21. Solomon's Early Acts - The Temple Finished And Dedicated by Bobby Liddell
  22. The Kingdom God Promised To David by Roy Deaver
  23. Genealogies From Creation To Captivity And Saul's Death by Bubba Phillips
  24. ANSWERING FALSE DOCTRINE: Is It Wrong To Seek The Help Of Medical Doctors Or Should We Merely Pray, Per The "Christian Science" Cult, II Chronicles 16:12? Does God Have An "Umbrella Of Grace" That Covers Our Sins Whether Or Not We Repent Of Them And Faithfully Obey Him, II Chronicles 30:18? by Eddie Whitten
  25. The Last Light Before Darkness For Judah by Robin Haley
  26. Elijah Discouraged, Elisha Anointed, Ahab's Final Exploits by James Boyd
  27. DISCUSSION FORUM: The Worship Of God -- Our Way Of God's Way? by Curtis A. Cates
  28. David Numbers Israel, Charges And Crowns Solomon, Dies by Garland Elkins
  29. Reigns Of Various Kings Of Judah And Israel, Elisha Dies by David Brown
  30. Men Who Understand The Times And Know What God's People Ought To Do by Gary Summers
  31. Great Lessons From Josiah, The Restorer King by Howard Horton
  32. The Early Days Of David's Reign by Toney Smith
  33. The Reign Of Wicked Ahaz And Righteous Hezekiah by Joe Gilmore
  34. DISCUSSION FORUM: Should We Seek Unity In Diversity Or Conformity? by Mac Deaver
  35. Great Lessons From Hezekiah by Thomas B. Warren
  36. I & II Kings, I & II Chronicles - An Summary by Darrell Conley