Recordings about: Instrumental Music
- ANSWERING FALSE DOCTRINE: "Jesus is Coming Soon" (Revelation 3:11; 22:7, 12, 20; Instrumental Music Is Scripturally Authorized? Revelation 5:8; 14:2; 15:2; Christ will Come a Third Time, Seven Years after the "Rapture," to Establish His Millennial Kingdom? Revelation 19:11-16 by Garland Elkins part of the 1984 Denton Lectures: Studies in the Book of Revelation
- ANSWERING FALSE DOCTRINES: Since the New Testament does not explicitly forbid the use of mechanical instruments and various forms of "special music" in our worship, are they, along with congregational singing, acceptable to God? Ephesians 5:19; Since Christians are to subject themselves to one another, does this mean that elderships have no authority over their respective congregations (i.e., they can only "rule" by example)? Ephesians 5:21; Since Paul condemned the abuse of slavery, rather than slavery itself, was it acceptable to God as an institution? Ephesians 6:5-9; Is every Christian, like Paul, an "ambassador" of Christ? Ephesians 6:20 by David Brown part of the 16th Annual Denton Lectures: Studies In Ephesians
- DISCUSSION FORUM: What Kind of Music Does God Authorize in Worship? by Robert Taylor, Jr. part of the 16th Annual Denton Lectures: Studies In Ephesians
- The Truth About "Worship, Instrumental Music, & Choirs" by Matthew Gibson part of the 2015 South Texas Lectures: The Truth About Religious Teachings
- Instrumental Music: Not an Option (09/02/2007 Sunday AM) by David Baker part of the David Baker Sermons: 2007 Sermon Collection
- Controversy: Play On Miss Bertha; Introduction of the Instrument by Tom Wacaster part of the 2nd Annual Lubbock Lectures: Looking Unto Jesus -- The Author & Finisher of Our Faith