Southwest Lectures

Event Information:
Event: 32nd Annual Southwest Lectures
Theme/Title: Why Do We... ?
Recorded: 4/2013
Directed by: Sam Willcut
Ordering Information:

Contact us to order this complete set on DVD or CD.

List of Recordings from this event:
  1. Youth Day: "...Oppose the Practice of Homosexuality?" by Jacob Rutledge
  2. Youth Day: "...Promote Moral Purity?" by Ross Haffner
  3. "...Believe the Bible Alone is Our Final Authority" by Wayne Jones
  4. "...Believe Only the Church of Christ Will Be Saved?" by John Moore
  5. "...Believe Miracles Have Ceased?" by Clay Bond
  6. "...Say Baptism is Essential?" by Sam Willcut
  7. "...Not Believe in Original Sin?" by Kevin Rhodes
  8. "...Believe Christians May Fall From Grace?" by Don Walker
  9. "...Endorse Only Christianity?" by Eddie Parrish
  10. "...Have a Plurality of Elders?" by Joshua Rodriguez
  11. "...Not Observe Religious Holidays?" by Jay Lockhart
  12. "...Not Use Relious Titles?" by Tom Holland
  13. "...Use the Old Testament?" by Cody Westbrook
  14. "...Use Only Vocal Music?" by Tom Holland
  15. "...Believe in the Inspiration of the Sciptures?" by David Lipe
  16. "...Not Have Fund Raisers?" by Glenn Colley
  17. "...Promote Assembling Every Sunday?" by Michael Light
  18. "...Insist on Gospel Preaching?" by Sam Willcut
  19. "...Not Preach a Social Gospel?" by Kevin Cauley
  20. "...Have Communion Every Sunday?" by Michael Bonner
  21. "...Affirm Only One Reason for Divorce and Remarriage?" by Glenn Colley
  22. "...Deny Claims of a Rapture?" by Rick Brumback
  23. Ladies: "...Have Male Leadership?" by Becky Blackmon
  24. Ladies: "...Worry About Modesdy?" by Cindy Colley