Recordings from: Tim Hayes
- Amos 7-9; 12th Annual Schertz Lectures: Studies in the Minor Prophets
- Ecclesiastes 1-2; 13th Annual Schertz Lectures: Studies in Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, & Song of Solomon
- Psalms 40-41; 14th Annual Schertz Lectures: Studies in the Psalms, Volume 1
- Psalms 110-114; 15th Annual Schertz Lectures: Studies in the Psalms, Volume 2
- Genesis 27; 16th Annual Schertz Lectures: Studies in Genesis
- Job 27; 17th Annual Schertz Lectures: Studies in Job
- Being Born Again, Not of Corruptible Seed, the Word of God; 24th Annual Lubbock Lectures: The Word of God