Lubbock Lectures

Event Information:
Event: 26th Annual Lubbock Lectures
Theme/Title: God is Love
Recorded: 10/2024
Directed by: Tommy Hicks
Ordering Information:

Contact us to order this complete set on DVD or CD.

List of Recordings from this event:
  1. God is Love by Josh Hubbard
  2. The Greatest of These is Love by Tommy Hicks
  3. God Commendeth His Love Toward Us by Greg Weston
  4. We Love Him Because He First Loved Us by Caleb Rutherford
  5. Love Not the World by Garland Robinson
  6. Greater Love Hath No Man Than This by Tyrone Dubose
  7. Provoke Unto Love and to Good Works by Heath Stapleton
  8. Love of Money is the Root of All Evil by Travis Sweet
  9. They Loved the Praise of Men by Anthony Flunder
  10. Speaking the Truth in Love by Denny Wilson
  11. Let Love Be Without Dissimulation by Foy Forehand
  12. If Ye Love Me by Ken Ratcliff
  13. Thou Shalt Love the Lord Thy God by Trent Kennedy
  14. Men Loved Darkness Rather Than Light by Billy Bland
  15. Unfeigned Love of the Brethren by Trent Thrasher
  16. Love Your Enemies by Casey Cella
  17. He That Loveth His Life Shall Lose It by Richard Massey
  18. Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself by Tom Wacaster
  19. The Father Loveth the Son by Jack Stewart
  20. God So Loved the World by Tim Hayes
  21. Who Shall Separate Us From the Love of Christ? by Epifanio Carranza
  22. If God Were Your Father, Ye Would Love Me by Joey Davis
  23. Esteem Them Very Highly in Love by Devin Dean
  24. God Loveth a Cheerful Giver by Kenneth Jackson
  25. If Ye Have Love One To Another by Willie Alvarenga
  26. Let Us Not Love in Word…But in Deed and in Truth by Tom House
  27. Christ Also Loved the Church by Zach Williams
  28. Keep Yourself in the Love of God by Mike Hixson
  29. Monday Open Forum by Various
  30. Tuesday Open Forum by Various
  31. Wednesday Open Forum by Various