BCS Men's Development Conference

Event Information:
Event: 2019 Men's Development Conference
Theme/Title: A Ready Man
Recorded: 6/2019
Directed by: Rick Popejoy
Ordering Information:

Contact us to order this complete set on DVD or CD.

List of Recordings from this event:
  1. I Can See...The Man of the Cross by Cody Westbrook
  2. I Can See...How Some Make the Cross of None Effect by Michael Light
  3. I Can See...The Lord's Trial on His Way to the Cross by Rick Popejoy
  4. I Can See...The Enemies of the Cross by Brant Stubblefield
  5. I Can See...Who Put Jesus On the Cross by Eric Garner
  6. I Can See...What Kept Jesus on the Cross by Israel Rodriguez
  7. I Can See...The Ultimate Humility of the Cross by Cliff Goodwin
  8. I Can See...My Savior on the Cross by Michael Shepherd
  9. I Can See...That the Way of the Cross Leads Home by Michael Shepherd
  10. Applied Theology: How to Go from Milk to Meat by Carl McCann
  11. Critical Thinking: Law of Authority by Kerry Clark
  12. Fundamentals: Apologetics by Paden Reed
  13. Word Studies: Faith by Joe Caesar
  14. Apologetics: Refuting Evolution by Daniel Garza, Christopher Jagge, Dinc McDonald, Paden Reed, Joshua Rodriguez
  15. Ethics: Dealing with Weak Brethren by Anthony Flunder
  16. Applied Theology: How to Best Flee Youthful Lust by Jason Rollo
  17. Critical Thinking: Law of Contradiction by Carl McCann
  18. Fundamentals: A Study of Preaching by Kerry Clark
  19. Word Studies: Repentance by Jeff Rollo
  20. Apologetics: Implications of God's Existence by Anthony Flunder, John Hall, Carl McCann, Tom Moore, Cody Westbrook
  21. Ethics: Withstanding a Modern Moral Makeover by Michael Light
  22. Applied Theology: How to Fight the Good Fight by Steve Lloyd
  23. Critical Thinking: Law of Implication by Israel Rodriguez
  24. Fundamentals: The Biblical Timeline by John Hall
  25. Word Studies: Confession by Tom Moore
  26. Apologetics: The Age of the Earth by Joe Caesar, Steve Lloyd, Tom Moore, Paden Reed, Israel Rodriguez
  27. Ethics: Making Moral Decisions by Richard Massey
  28. Applied Theology: How to Grow Up & Not Just Grow Old by Richard Massey
  29. Critical Thinking: Aides vs. Additions by Cliff Goodwin
  30. Fundamentals: Giving an Answer by Omari French
  31. Word Studies: Baptism by John Hall
  32. Apologetics: The Global Flood by Daniel Garza, Cliff Goodwin, Dinc McDonald, Paden Reed, Denny Wilson
  33. Ethics: Miserable Moral Myths by Denny Wilson