Recordings from: Garland Elkins

  1. Be Not Carried Away By Divers And Strange Teachings; 1983 Denton Lectures: Studies in Hebrews
  2. ANSWERING FALSE DOCTRINE: "Jesus is Coming Soon" (Revelation 3:11; 22:7, 12, 20; Instrumental Music Is Scripturally Authorized? Revelation 5:8; 14:2; 15:2; Christ will Come a Third Time, Seven Years after the "Rapture," to Establish His Millennial Kingdom? Revelation 19:11-16; 1984 Denton Lectures: Studies in the Book of Revelation
  3. Bearing The Fruit Of The Spirit; 1986 Denton Lectures: Studies in Galatians
  4. A Study Of "Love"; 1987 Denton Lectures: Studies In I, II, III John
  5. ANSWERING FALSE DOCTRINES:: Does "letter" refer to the actual wording of Scripture and "spirit" to an unwritten message behind the words, as some teach? II Corinthians 3:6; Does "liberty" in Christ free us from any and all law in Christ? II Corinthians 3:17; Is the personal righteousness of Christ "imputed" to men to justify them? II Corinthians 5:21; 1989 Denton Lectures: Studies In The Book Of II Corinthians
  6. The Providence Of God - An Introduction; 1989 Power Lectures: The Providence of God
  7. The Book Of Hosea - Commentary; 1990 Power Lectures: The Minor Prophets
  8. DISCUSSION FORUM: Should Denomination Baptism Be Accepted By The Lord's Church?; 1992 Denton Lectures: Studies In Ezra, Nehemiah And Esther
  9. Nehemiah Reforms Several Abuses; 1992 Denton Lectures: Studies In Ezra, Nehemiah And Esther
  10. David Numbers Israel, Charges And Crowns Solomon, Dies; 1993 Denton Lectures: Studies In I & II Kings, I & II Chronicles
  11. DISCUSSION FORUM: What Does Biblical Love and Not Include?; 1994 Denton Lectures: Studies In Joshua, Judges And Ruth
  12. Jesus' Teaching On Marriage, Divorce And Remarriage; 1995 Denton Lectures: Studies In Matthew
  13. Major Lessons From Jeremiah; 1995 Power Lectures: The Major Prophets
  14. Who, What, When, When And Why The New Covenant; 1996 Power Lectures: The Two Covenants
  15. God's Eternal Purpose Through Christ And The Church; 16th Annual Denton Lectures: Studies In Ephesians
  16. False Ideas About Theism; 1997 Power Lectures: Dangerous Ism's
  17. Answers To Skepticism Concerning The Second Coming; 1998 Denton Lectures: Studies in the Books of I, II Peter and Jude
  18. What Are Salvation Matters; 1st Annual Lubbock Lectures: The Faith Once For All Delivered
  19. The Nature of God; 1998 Power Lectures: The Godhead
  20. The Vine and the Branches and Final Words to the Eleven; 1999 Denton Lectures: Studies in the Book of John
  21. God Gives the Pattern for the Tabernacle; 2nd Annual Schertz Lectures: Studies In Exodus