Recordings about: Baptism
- "...Say Baptism is Essential?" by Sam Willcut part of the 32nd Annual Southwest Lectures: Why Do We... ?
- ANSWERING FALSE DOCTRINES: Paul's Opinions I Corinthians 7:7, 25, 40; Does the End Justify the Means? I Corinthians 9:20-22; Eating in the Church I Corinthians 11:22, 34; Baptized for the Dead I Corinthians 15:29 by John Waddy part of the 1982 Denton Lectures: Studies in 1 Corinthians
- ANSWERING FALSE DOCTRINE: Baptism Was Not Important to Paul I Corinthians 1:14, 17; Man Must Have Special Illumination from the Holy Spirit I Corinthians 2:14; Do Our Works in the Body Affect the Destiny of our Souls? I Corinthians 3:15; Is the Personal Righteousness of Christ Imputed to the Christian? I Corinthians 1:30 by Bobby Duncan part of the 1982 Denton Lectures: Studies in 1 Corinthians
- ANSWERING FALSE DOCTRINES: Jesus was Merely Human, a Creature (Hebrews 2:6-9; Baptism May be Administered by Sprinking (Hebrews 10:22); "All" Marriages Includes Adulterous and Homosexual Marriages (Hebrews 13:4) by James Meadows part of the 1983 Denton Lectures: Studies in Hebrews
- DISCUSSION FORUM: SCRIPTURAL BAPTISM - Revelation 1:5; Must One Understand that Baptism Is for Salvation or the Remission of Sins to be Scripturally Baptized (and thus washed/loosed from his sins)? by Alan Highers part of the 1984 Denton Lectures: Studies in the Book of Revelation
- ANSWERING FALSE DOCTRINES: The 120 as well as the 12 were baptized in the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:15--2:4ff); Baptism "for remission of sins" means because sins have already been remitted before baptism (Acts 2:38); God unconditionally foreordains certain ones to eternal life (Acts 13:48); There was a centralized eldership over many "house churches" in Jerusalem and/or other places (Acts 11:30) by Steve Orduno part of the 1985 Denton Lectures: Studies in Acts
- Water Baptism In Acts by Wendell Winkler part of the 1985 Denton Lectures: Studies in Acts
- The Purpose Of Baptism In Galatians by H.A. "Buster" Dobbs part of the 1986 Denton Lectures: Studies in Galatians
- DISCUSSION FORUM: Should Denomination Baptism Be Accepted By The Lord's Church? by Garland Elkins part of the 1992 Denton Lectures: Studies In Ezra, Nehemiah And Esther
- Baptism [Part I] by Toney Smith part of the 1995 Mid-West Lectures: The Twisted Scriptures
- Baptism [Part II] by Michael Wyatt part of the 1995 Mid-West Lectures: The Twisted Scriptures
- DISCUSSION FORUM: What Must One Know About Baptism For It To Be Valid? by Gary Summers part of the 1996 Denton Lectures: Studies In The Book Of Romans
- Because It Enables Me To Confront False Ideas About Baptism by Don Defenbaugh part of the 1996 Mid-West Lectures: Give Me The Bible
- The One Baptism by BJ Clarke part of the 16th Annual Denton Lectures: Studies In Ephesians
- I Have Heard and I Need to Be Baptized by Darwin Hunter part of the 29th Annual Southwest Lectures: Proclaiming Christ: Called Unto Salvation
- Knowledge and Baptism into Christ by Dave Rogers part of the 29th Annual Southwest Lectures: Proclaiming Christ: Called Unto Salvation
- Can Any Man Forbid Water? by Bill Burk part of the 29th Annual Southwest Lectures: Proclaiming Christ: Called Unto Salvation
- Am I Ready to Become a Christian? by John Moore part of the 29th Annual Southwest Lectures: Proclaiming Christ: Called Unto Salvation
- Born of Water and Spirit by Charles Coats part of the 1997 Mid-West Lectures: God The Holy Spirit
- The Baptism of the Holy Spirit by Larry Yarber part of the 1997 Mid-West Lectures: God The Holy Spirit
- Dealing With Persecution; Salvation And Baptism by Raymond Haygood part of the 1998 Denton Lectures: Studies in the Books of I, II Peter and Jude
- The One Baptism by Stephen Wiggins part of the 1st Annual Lubbock Lectures: The Faith Once For All Delivered
- The Baptism of the Holy Spirit by Jerry Moffitt part of the 23rd Annual Gulf Coast Lectures: The Holy Spirit
- The Truth About "Sprinkling, Pouring, & Infant Baptism" by Edilfonso Rodriguez part of the 2015 South Texas Lectures: The Truth About Religious Teachings
- Word Studies: Baptism by John Hall part of the 2019 Men's Development Conference: A Ready Man
- Controversy: McGarty-Lipscomb Issue, What is Valid Baptism? by Don Walker part of the 2nd Annual Lubbock Lectures: Looking Unto Jesus -- The Author & Finisher of Our Faith
- The Baptism of Jesus Christ by Don Blackwell, . part of the 25th Annual Lubbock Lectures: Come Unto Me